The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
A Well Governed Appetite

A Well Governed Appetite


E010: A Well Governed Appetite

"A well-governed appetite is a great part of liberty." - Seneca

In This Episode, We Get Stoic About:

It is a foundational principal of Stoicism that true freedom lies not in the absence of external constraints but in the mastery of oneself. This concept wasn’t limited to the Western world.  In fact, the Toltecs, a Mesoamerican culture that dominated what is modern day Mexico 400 years before Columbus, had a similar philosophy.

We dig into it on today’s podcast….

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  • True freedom lies in the mastery of ourselves, not in the absence of external constraints.

  • Self-control is the antidote to the constraints that enslave us.

  • Various cultures and philosophies, including Stoicism, the Toltecs, and the Japanese samurai, have emphasized the importance of self-control.

  • Reflecting on what is enslaving us and practicing self-control can lead to true freedom and fulfillment.

Until Next Time…out of role!


The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Welcome to The Stoic Responder Podcast, I’m your host Kristofor Healey. In my career as a Special Agent, I traveled the globe taking on some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations. Along the way, Stoic philosophy provided the mindset edge that was the foundation of my professional success. My mission today is to share those mindset lessons with you so that you can approach your career and life with a tactical advantage live your life with valor.