The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Stay in Your Lane

Stay in Your Lane


“Man is not disturbed by things but the views he takes of them.” – Epictetus

In This Episode, We Get Stoic About:

How many of us have had a desire to do something audacious to change our lives, but convinced ourselves to quit out of fear of being judged? The new career path, the weight loss journey, the new hobby.  We will abandon it all at the first hint of imagined whispers and disapproval from our friends, family or colleagues. But why? Because we allow our views of things to disturb us. We talk about the solution to this problem on today’s podcast. 

Resources + Links:

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Buy your copy of In Valor: 365 Stoic Meditations for First Responders, here!

Buy your copy of Indispensable: A Tactical Plan for the Modern Man, here!

Book Kristofor for a speaking event, here!


  • External judgment cannot disturb us unless we allow it to.

  • Prioritize self-awareness and personal accountability to reclaim agency over your life.

  • Focus on your own personal development and living with virtue.

  • Ask yourself if you are disturbed by the judgment of others or your own reaction to it.

Until Next Time…out of role!

The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Welcome to The Stoic Responder Podcast, I’m your host Kristofor Healey. In my career as a Special Agent, I traveled the globe taking on some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations. Along the way, Stoic philosophy provided the mindset edge that was the foundation of my professional success. My mission today is to share those mindset lessons with you so that you can approach your career and life with a tactical advantage live your life with valor.