The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
They Don't Pay Your Bills

They Don't Pay Your Bills


“If you live in harmony with nature you will never be poor; if you live according to what others think, you will never be rich.” – Seneca

In This Episode, We Get Stoic About:

The Stoics also placed great emphasis on reason and considered it to be a fundamental aspect of our human nature. They believed that reason was the guiding principle of the universe and the key to living a virtuous and fulfilling life and that, as human beings, we possess the unique capacity for reason and rational thought. 

As first responders, our ability to reason effectively is a key to career longevity and mental wellness. Reason is also a means to overcome irrational passions and emotional disturbances, and by cultivating it, we can gain control over our desires, fears, and other emotions and achieve a state of tranquility (apatheia) and inner equilibrium, even in the face of challenging circumstances.

On the podcast today we discuss reason through the lens of a common problem that we all share…an unreasonable concern about what others think about us…

Resources + Links:

Connect with Kristofor | LinkTree

Connect with Kristofor on Instagram | @team_healey

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Buy your copy of In Valor: 365 Stoic Meditations for First Responders, here!

Buy your copy of Indispensable: A Tactical Plan for the Modern Man, here!

Book Kristofor for a speaking event, here!


  • Reason is a critical skill for law enforcement officers, influencing their decision-making and mental wellness.

  • Living in accordance with nature, as emphasized by the Stoics, involves aligning individual reason with a rational order that governs the universe.

  • Success lies in focusing on internal control and not being overly concerned with external validation and societal expectations.

Until Next Time…out of role! 

The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Welcome to The Stoic Responder Podcast, I’m your host Kristofor Healey. In my career as a Special Agent, I traveled the globe taking on some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations. Along the way, Stoic philosophy provided the mindset edge that was the foundation of my professional success. My mission today is to share those mindset lessons with you so that you can approach your career and life with a tactical advantage live your life with valor.