The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
You Are Not Rich

You Are Not Rich


“When a youth was giving himself airs in the theater and saying, “I am wise for I have conversed with many wise men,” Epictetus said, “I too have conversed with many rich men, yet I am not rich.” – Epictetus

In This Episode, We Get Stoic About:

To Stoics, the wise man is the ideal.  And though it is the ideal, it is exceedingly rare and only born out of constant practice and humility.  It is vital to seek the ideal, striving every day to gain perfect consistency of our rational faculties so that we may see the world as it is and act in accordance with nature, yet we often give ourselves too much credit for how far we have advanced. 

We use recent comments from a prominent podcast host to talk about the nature of wisdom on the podcast today!

Resources + Links:

Connect with Kristofor |

Connect with Kristofor on Instagram | @team_healey

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Subscribe to The Stoic Responder on YouTube | The Stoic Responder

Buy your copy of In Valor: 365 Stoic Meditations for First Responders, here!

Buy your copy of Indispensable: A Tactical Plan for the Modern Man, here!

Book Kristofor for a speaking event, here!

Sponsor Discounts: 

Friend of the show Dan Hickman (@danieljasonhickman on Instagram) hosts the Competitive Edge Podcast and is a father, entrepreneur and hybrid athlete. As a MyZone Ambassador, Dan is offering The Stoic Responder Podcast listeners $60 off of a MyZone heart rate monitor using discount code TMZUS001-51445-60.

If you aren’t using a heart rate monitor to train, you’re missing out on critical data. Through accurate heart rate tracking and real-time feedback, all effort counts.


  • The Stoic ideal emphasizes a balance of wisdom and strength.

  • Wisdom is gained through experience and practice, not just conversation.

  • Ego can cloud judgment and impede personal growth.

  • Controversial opinions often stem from ignorance and bias.

  • True wisdom requires humility and a willingness to learn.

  • Social media can amplify misguided opinions and hot takes.

  • Engaging with diverse perspectives is crucial for understanding.

  • The importance of supporting mental health initiatives for first responders.

  • Personal experiences shape our views, but they should not define them.

Until Next Time…out of role! 

Discussion about this podcast

The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Welcome to The Stoic Responder Podcast, I’m your host Kristofor Healey. In my career as a Special Agent, I traveled the globe taking on some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations. Along the way, Stoic philosophy provided the mindset edge that was the foundation of my professional success. My mission today is to share those mindset lessons with you so that you can approach your career and life with a tactical advantage live your life with valor.