The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Your Personal Algorithm

Your Personal Algorithm


“If you yourself don't choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the highest.” – Epictetus

In This Episode, We Get Stoic About:

Social media algorithms aim to provide a personalized experience by showing users the most relevant and interesting content based on their past behavior, preferences, and interactions. The idea is to keep users engaged on the platform for longer periods of time.  But the same algorithms that promotes your favorite sports team or hobbies can also send you down some dangerous rabbit holes. This isn’t a new phenomenon.  Two millennia before social media existed, Epictetus identified the same dangers in the ‘human algorithm.’

Resources + Links:

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Buy your copy of In Valor: 365 Stoic Meditations for First Responders, here!

Buy your copy of Indispensable: A Tactical Plan for the Modern Man, here!

Book Kristofor for a speaking event, here!


  • Social media algorithms aim to provide a personalized experience based on past behavior, preferences, and interactions.

  • Our personal human algorithm, the people and things we interact with, can also impact us and shape our thoughts and motives.

  • It is important to be mindful of who and what we expose ourselves to, as they can have a significant influence on our lives.

  • Reflecting on what we are feeding into our personal algorithm can help us make deliberate choices and create a healthier and more positive environment.

Until Next Time…out of role!

The Stoic Responder
The Stoic Responder
Welcome to The Stoic Responder Podcast, I’m your host Kristofor Healey. In my career as a Special Agent, I traveled the globe taking on some of the world’s most notorious criminal organizations. Along the way, Stoic philosophy provided the mindset edge that was the foundation of my professional success. My mission today is to share those mindset lessons with you so that you can approach your career and life with a tactical advantage live your life with valor.
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Kristofor R. Healey